Recycling Services

Results Found: 7 View On Map new search
Nonprofit: Waste-based Enterprises including Retail, Recycling and Manufacturing; Affordable Housing & Property Development; and Emergency, Youth & Homelessness Services
2890 Chad Drive
Eugene, OR 97408
NextStep Recycling
245 Jackson Street
Eugene, OR 97402
Sanipac, Inc.
1650 Glenwood Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97403
The Recyclers LLC Junk Removal
1490 30th Street
Springfield , OR 97477
Staton Metal Recycling
Staton Metals is a full-service Metal recycling facility located in SW Eugene (Goshen) conveniently located just off I5. We provide service to the general public and Industrial accounts
85386 Hwy 99 S
Eugene, OR 97405
820 North 42nd Street
Springfield, OR 97478