Wood Products

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2509 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Sierra Pacific Industries
Sierra Pacific Industries, Oregon operations include four sawmills, biomass cogeneration and 275,000 acres of sustainably managed timberlands, primarily in Lane and Douglas counties.
90201 Highway 99 North
Eugene, OR 97402
999 South A Street
Springfield, OR 97477
3315 Marcola Road
Springfield, OR 97477
Weyerhaeuser Company
PO Box 275
Springfield, OR 97477
Timber Products
305 South 4th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
2555 West 7th Place
Eugene, OR 97402
Roseburg Forest Products
Providing exceptional forest-to-finish wood products | Conducting business with highest standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity | Making lives better from the ground up
3660 Gateway Street
Springfield, OR 97477
29545 Enid Road East
Eugene, OR 97402
90 Foch Street
Eugene, OR 97402
2190 West 11th Avenue #231
Eugene, OR 97402
303 South 5th Street #120
Springfield, OR 97477
303 South 5th Street #127
Springfield, OR 97477
3950 Marcola Road
Springfield, OR 97477